TOP >eco Kit Clear A100

Heat Ray Blocking/Energy-Saving Coating for Windows

The eco kit clear is a transparent type coating agent, and it blocks UV rays and infrared rays just by applying it on windows.

It blocks infrared rays, which offect to lower temperature in summer time and retains the indoor heat in wintertime.

Blocking the UV rays, which are assumed to be harmful to human bodies, prevents discoloration of commodities in showcases or of interior finishing, and furthermore, lessens insects that fiy into the window glass.

Furthermore, unlike conventional films, eco kit clear has excellent transparency and durabillty.

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1. Blocks infrared rays by 65%!


Reduces the load on air conditioning, there by delivering expectations for saving energy and costs.

(Energy-saving ration 24% or over)

2. Blocks UV rays by 95% or more!

Prevention of Skin Cancer

Blocks 100% of UV B light (UV B 280 nm to 315 nm), which is assumed cause skin cancer.

Prevention of Discoloration/Deteriation

The blocking of UV rays prevents discoloration and deterioration of ornaments, furniture, curtains, carpet, etc., in the room.

Lessening of insects

Lessens insects that detect UV rays generated by lighting equipment and flles on the window glass at night.

3. Visible light transmission of 85%!

High Transparency

Even when the coating agent is applied, transparency remains almost unchanged, which will not night.

4. Other Effects!

Reduction of Candensation

Eco clear also functions to effectlvely reduce cendensation, which is a reason for generation mold and tlcks.

High Durability

It has a hard surface that is hard to damage and prevents scratches during cleaning.
In addition, it stands up to long-term use.

Reduction of Diffused Reflections

The invisible surface roughness of glassis smoothed out with the coating agent, thereby reducing diffused reflections and flickering.


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Window Glass of Bulldings


・Office buldings.

・Housescondominiums, and schools.

・Various typer of event holls.


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Window Glass of Vehicles

・Family cars.

・Buses, and trucks.

・railway cars.


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Transparent Part of Glass Products


・Showcases, and store windows.
